General Information for Teams in NHSC





As a member of New Hampshire Soccer Conference I want to remind Team Reps of a few things to take note of as members of our league.




  •  The Team Rep is responsible for making sure his team understands the League’s By-Laws.



Red Cards:

  • For any team receiving a red card or cards, the Team Rep or appointed Team Rep, in one’s absence, shall notify the League Office and League Assigner, within 24 hours of game completion, indicating the player’s name(s) and number(s) who received red cards. 

Registration Fees:

  • First and foremost is the payment of your registration fee.  It is very important you get your registration fee to me as soon as possible.  


Submitting Home Game Schedule:

  • Once you agree on game date and time, it is your responsibility to submit only your home games.  Your complete game schedule will show up in the system when your 'away' opponents submit their 'home' games. 
  • I've provided a link for "Adding Team Home Games".  Note, please do not leave "Place Holder" games in your schedule with no opponent designated.  This causes issues within our system and confuses our Game Assignor when he's trying to assign game officials.


Updating Rosters


  •  The following link provides helpful information on submitting and maintaining your team roster
  • Updating Team Rosters



  • Sportsmanship is very important to our league.
  • Please review the Sportsmanship link and make sure your team fully understands the importance of Sportsmanship.
  • Note, any team not maintaining s Sportsmanship Rating of 2.75 or higher will be ineligible for the playoffs
  • Continued "unsporting behavior" may warrant your team's review by the League's Executive Board with the possibility of suspension from League play.


Home Fields:

  • It is your responsibility to secure your own home field
  • it is also your responsibility to make sure your home field is properly lined (fully lined), corner flags are present and goals are properly secured.  Game officials will be instructed not to start any game where fields to not meet the above conditions. 


Game Fees and Roster:

  • It is required you bring to each game your team's game fee and a printed team roster, indicating which players will be available for the game.
  • A game official will not start a game without cash payment received.
  • A game official may not wish to start a game without team roster available.


Game Results:

  • It is the Home Team's responsibility to record the results off each game, regardless of who won the game.
  • The home team needs to submit final score as soon as possible to ensure division standings are up-to-date.
  • This is very important as the end of the regular season draws near and we need standings up-to-date for tournament seeding.



  • It is required that each player wear a numbered jersey, accurately represented on the roster handed to the game official before the start of the game.
  • All rules of the game with respect to the uniform apply for all NHSC games. This includes the wearing of shinguards.  A player my be removed from any game for not wearing shinguards.


Game Rules:

  • I've provided a link to our league's "Playing Rules".
  • Note, substitutions are unlimited but proper procedures must be followed with subs reporting to the center line and awaiting the game official to beckon subs in.


One of the most important things to remember is that you, as the Team Rep, are responsible for all actions of your players and spectators; before, during and after the game.




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Site design and development by RefereeNet . Site management and content by NHSC.